A Legacy of Impact: The Ripple Effect of Strategic Philanthropy
Strategic philanthropy creates lasting change by addressing systemic challenges, empowering communities, and shaping brighter futures. Learn more.
A Legacy of Impact: The Ripple Effect of Strategic Philanthropy
Strategic philanthropy creates lasting change by addressing systemic challenges, empowering communities, and shaping brighter futures. Learn more.
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Get Industry leading insights from Robert F. Smith directly in your LinkedIn feed.
Entrepreneur Personality: Traits and Characteristics for Success
Have you ever met an individual with an innate ability to succeed in business, almost like they were born to be an entrepreneur? When entrepreneurship comes so easily to someone, you may wonder if it is a part of their genetic makeup. While a variety of critical factors play a
Systemic Change: Driving Meaningful Transformation
When we hear about a new or growing global crisis, oftentimes, society reacts quickly and makes pledges to fix the responsible system. Yet, many of these promises are made in haste. As a result of acting too quickly, people and organizations sometimes overcommit and cannot deliver on their commitments to
Understanding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace With Examples
The importance of diversity, especially as it pertains to the workplace, is not a new concept. Systemic racism and discrimination have continued to create barriers to work opportunities for professionals of all backgrounds, and organizations have worked to combat it with diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) examples in the workplace.
How To Secure an Internship in 7 Steps
Internships can be an essential part of a career path. Securing an internship can be achieved by following seven key steps.
What Is DEI Training? Building Inclusion
In recent years, research has revealed that companies that embrace diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are more productive and successful. According to data reported by LinkedIn Learning, companies that prioritize diversity are 36% more likely to financially outperform their competitors. The data also shows that inclusive teams are more than
What Is Systemic Racism? Definition, Examples and Solutions
Systemic racism is a form of discrimination that affects the lives of Black Americans in areas like healthcare, education and employment.
Entrepreneur Personality: Traits and Characteristics for Success
Have you ever met an individual with an innate ability to succeed in business, almost like they were born to be an entrepreneur? When entrepreneurship comes so easily to someone, you may wonder if it is a part of their genetic makeup. While a variety of critical factors play a
Systemic Change: Driving Meaningful Transformation
When we hear about a new or growing global crisis, oftentimes, society reacts quickly and makes pledges to fix the responsible system. Yet, many of these promises are made in haste. As a result of acting too quickly, people and organizations sometimes overcommit and cannot deliver on their commitments to
Understanding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace With Examples
The importance of diversity, especially as it pertains to the workplace, is not a new concept. Systemic racism and discrimination have continued to create barriers to work opportunities for professionals of all backgrounds, and organizations have worked to combat it with diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) examples in the workplace.
How To Secure an Internship in 7 Steps
Internships can be an essential part of a career path. Securing an internship can be achieved by following seven key steps.
What Is DEI Training? Building Inclusion
In recent years, research has revealed that companies that embrace diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are more productive and successful. According to data reported by LinkedIn Learning, companies that prioritize diversity are 36% more likely to financially outperform their competitors. The data also shows that inclusive teams are more than
What Is Systemic Racism? Definition, Examples and Solutions
Systemic racism is a form of discrimination that affects the lives of Black Americans in areas like healthcare, education and employment.